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Uncontested Divorce in Oklahoma

In Oklahoma an uncontested divorce is when both spouses agree about the issues in their divorce and do not need to fight about anything in court. Although this process is generally called an uncontested divorce you may also hear it referred to as amicable divorceagreed divorce or waiver divorce. These terms all refer to the same process of presenting an agreed divorce decree for approval by a judge.

Because an uncontested divorce is a legal process it requires the parties to obtain a court order from the judge that addresses all the important factors such as:

  • Property Division
  • Debt Division
  • Child Custody & Visitation
  • Child Support
  • Alimony

Oklahoma courts do not provide form documents or fill-in the blank applications to obtain an uncontested divorce. Further, there are many legal rules that must be followed to ensure that you efficiently and effectively obtain your divorce.

Learn more About MicroDivorce‘s uncontested services.

Representation by a Divorce Attorney

At we offer you representation in your uncontested divorce. A licensed and practicing divorce lawyer works with you to prepare for and file your divorce. Your lawyer makes sure that everything in your decree is correct. Your lawyer communicates with court personnel and appears with you at the final hearing to enter your divorce before the judge. We are not a document service, we are your lawyer.

The Problems with a “Paralegal” Uncontested Divorce

Paralegals are not attorneys. They are not certified to represent you in your divorce no matter how simple it may be. Only an Oklahoma lawyer is qualified to represent you in your divorce. Any one else who claims to be able to help you may be breaking the law.

How much does it cost for an uncontested divorce from MicroDivorce?

We offer a high-quality and custom service that is crafted around your particular needs. We can also offer to you a guaranteed fee quote based on your answers to our questions. You should start with our qualification questionnaire.

What if I just have some questions about an uncontested divorce?

We are glad to answer your questions. You should feel free to contact us. You may also review our answers to 15 Questions About Divorce in Oklahoma.